Saturday, August 27, 2016

Main Store Grand Opening!

So, I went ahead and splurged on a Main Store.  I was going to get a server storage space and it turns out Lionheart waives the purchase portion of the price of a parcel to their server customers.  Exciting right?

So let me introduce you to the perks of my mainstore.

Firstly, it has my clothes - including my September stuff that I will be introducing at Trendz on the first for a discount, so get in your eye candy but wait till Trendz to buy and you'll save some L$! (25% off at Trendz as opposed to the standard 10% off the regular pricing at my mainstore.)

Secondly, you get 10% off at the mainstore by adding my new Tag.  (If you blog my stuff, let me know, I might have other options for you!)

@->- DB Anara VIP -<-@

Thirdly, comfy couches with reading material, just click the coffee tables!  I'll give you a hint, I know the author personally!

Fourthly, coffee!  Just take a look back at the coffee table and you will see the coffee maker.  Just click the coffee maker for your choice of beverage.  Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Cappuccino or Mocha.

It has a lot to offer right?!?  I hope to see you there soon!

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